uTubeVideo Gallery

Warning: This plugin will only receive security updates going forward.

uTubeVideo Gallery, a plugin to create a gallery of YouTube videos on your WordPress site. Gallery management is simple with an admin panel for setting up your galleries and just a short-code to place where you want each gallery to appear on your site.

Plugin Features:

  • Support for YouTube and Vimeo videos.
  • Set the size, theme, etc of the video player.
  • Sort videos by newest or oldest first.
  • Use either square or rectangle thumbnails for videos.
  • Ability to display albums or just  videos
  • Ability to add playlists from YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Multiple gallery views.
  • Multiple panel themes: dark, light, and transparent.
  • Various play icons: red, blue, and default.
  • Ability to limit number album and videos displayed.
  • Retina support
  • PHP 8 support

If you find this plugin to be of some use to you, feel free to leave a comment on my blog or send a message. Donations are also welcome as developing these plugins takes a considerable amount of my time. Find any bugs that need rooted out, let me know that too. All feedback is greatly appreciated!

(All videos above are just samples used to illustrate this plugin. Trademarks owned by respective copyright holders.)


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